1. Join our Mailing List:
Join our mailing list (red banner above) and receive the latest Newsletter updates.
2. Sign ALL Petitions:
STOP FLYING TAXIS and STOP THE JET NOISE and OPPOSE THE TERMINAL. For information about the progress of the NEW expanded BUR Terminal, click here.
3. Sign-up for Airnoise.io:
Easily submit noise complaints to the Airport/FAA on your phone or with the click of a button. We NEED the community to complain if we want flights paths to change! Airnoise has already put tremendous pressure on airports and the FAA to listen.
Submit noise complaints on webtrak: http://webtrak5.bksv.com/bur1 (Burbank Airport's complaint system). Webtrak is useful for seeing flight paths. For a pdf of how to use webtrak, click here.
4. Contact Your Representatives:
Tell them that solving the air noise problem is very important to you! Thank Congressman Sherman and Councilman Krekorian for their support on this critical issue - and let them know that we still need their help!
City Councilmembers:
Councilmember Adrin Nazarian (CD2 map) (818) 755-7676
Councilmember Nithya Raman (CD4 map) (213) 473-7004
Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky (CD5 map) (213) 473-7005
Federal Representatives:
Congressman Brad Sherman (818) 501-9200
Congresswoman Laura Friedman (818) 524-4384
Senator Alex Padilla (202) 224-3553
Senator Adam Schiff (202) 224-3841
State Representatives:
State Assemblymember Nick Schultz (818) 558-3043
State Senator Henry Stern (818) 876-3352
State Senator Ben Allen (310) 414-8190
Mayor Karen Bass (213) 978-0600
5. Contact the City Attorney:
City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto (213) 978-8100
6. Complain directly to the Burbank Airport Representatives:
John Hatanaka - JHatanaka@bur.org (818) 729-2225
Patrick Lammerding - PLammerding@bur.org (818) 729-2250
Burbank Airport Board of Commissioners - commission@bur.org
7. Complain directly to the FAA:
Raquel Girvin, Western - Pacific Regional Administrator - raquel.girvin@faa.gov (424) 405-7000
Faviola Garcia, Western - Pacific Deputy Regional Administrator - faviola.garcia@faa.gov (424) 405-7000
Michael Whitaker, Head Administrator - michael.whitaker@faa.gov, (202) 366-4000
8. Become one of our more Active Volunteers:
Please email us at info@studiocityforquietskies.com and let us know you want to be an "active volunteer" and we will put you on our short list when we need people to actively call, write emails, or attend important meetings.
9. Do you have special skills and want to help?
Are you in the news media? Do you have social media skills? Do you have any other special skills such as marketing or graphics to help us get the word out or help with website graphics? Email us at info@studiocityforquietskies.com.
10. Order your Studio City For Quiet Skies T-shirt to wear to events. Print a FLYER and distribute to your neighborhood.